Hi, I'm Chels!

Hi there! I am Chelsea (my friends call me Chels), the adventurer behind this blog. There are few things I love more than traveling to new places, experiencing new things, and meeting new people.

After graduating from The University of Texas, I took a job in sales at a big tech company. I quickly became very unhappy and unsatisfied in my new 9-5 typical, corporate desk job. So I did what any reasonable person would do: I quit my high-paying job, sold most of my belongings, and bought a one-way ticket to Australia to live as an au pair for a year!

I first started this blog to share my experiences with friends and family back home, but it has turned into something much more than that. I began receiving messages from friends and people who had seen my a travels on Instagram and my blog telling me that I’ve inspired them to take a risk and follow their passion, whether that be moving to another country or leaving a job they hate for one that makes them happy regardless of the pay cut.

It truly makes my day every time I receive one of these messages. I want to use this blog to inspire people to not settle for the life they feel they’re stuck in (a feeling I knew all too well). I want to empower others to go out and make their own adventures like I have!

In the past couple of years, I’ve had some pretty great adventures:

And those are just some of my favorites! To check out more adventures and destinations click here.

I am back living in Austin, TX — my favorite city in the world! And as of April 2021, I am now a full-time blogger! It has been so exciting and gratifying to go full-time with something I love so much. In addition to travel, I’ve started sharing other content, like blogging/Instagram tips, fitness, etc! So, let’s dive right in…

xx Chels
